One of the tasks I usually come across while working on some of the more commercial web applications is to display a number in INR i.e Indian National Rupee ( ₹ ) format which makes it really easy to perceive the number as Indian Rupees. Let me show you how to format a number to Indian Rupee format in PHP / Laravel project.
The Indian Rupee Representation uses lakh (1,00,000) and crore (1,00,00,000) so a numerical such as 125520 would be represented as 1,25,520.
This is a function I wrote in PHP
for use in my Laravel
project but it can be adapted to work in any programming language you like. The function takes a number as Input and returns the result as a string formatted to INR format.
The IND_money_format() function:
function IND_money_format($number){
$decimal = (string)($number - floor($number));
$money = floor($number);
$length = strlen($money);
$delimiter = '';
$money = strrev($money);
if(( $i==3 || ($i>3 && ($i-1)%2==0) )&& $i!=$length){
$delimiter .=',';
$delimiter .=$money[$i];
$result = strrev($delimiter);
$decimal = preg_replace("/0\./i", ".", $decimal);
$decimal = substr($decimal, 0, 3);
if( $decimal != '0'){
$result = $result.$decimal;
return $result;
What this function actually does:
Here the decimal part($decimal
) of the input number is separately stored as a string which we will use later. We then get rid of the decimal part of the number by using the floor()
function. This rounds DOWN a number to the nearest integer.
$decimal = (string)($number - floor($number));
$money = floor($number);
We need the length
of the of the string ($money
) which is going to be used in a for
loop later. We then reverse the original string and also initialize an empty string ( $delimiter
) . This will hold the delimiter ( , ) value as we loop over the reversed string.
$length = strlen($money);
$m = '';
$money = strrev($money);
The for
loop below is the heart of our function. The loop will run as many times as the length of the string and the if
loop inside for
loop assigns the delimiter ( , ) to the $delimiter
in the cases of:
$i = 3
: The first delimiter will always be placed at the 3rd position (from last i.e end of the string).(( $i>3 && ($i-1)%2==0) )&& $i!=$length )
: The subsequent delimiters will be placed after every two characters excluding the last character in the string.$delimiter .=$money\[$i\]
: Remember we revered the string in a previous step?. This builds up a new string from that reversed string adding up delimiters in appropriate positions.
if(( $i==3 || ($i>3 && ($i-1)%2==0) )&& $i!=$length){
$delimiter .=',';
$delimiter .=$money[$i];
We then restore the reversed string to its original format and then perform a regular expression search to append a dot ( . ) to the beginning of the decimal string.
We also limit the decimal part to only 3 digits ( can be easily changed according to your requirements).
Then simply concatenate the integer part with the decimal part and return the result!!
$result = strrev($delimiter);
$decimal = preg_replace("/0\./i", ".", $decimal);
$decimal = substr($decimal, 0, 3);
if( $decimal != '0'){
$result = $result.$decimal;
return $result;
You can also add this function as a global function in Laravel!! see How to add a Global function in Laravel using Composer?
What do you think? Is there a better way of doing this? Please share your thoughts in the comments below!