Sapnesh Naik
Senior Full Stack Software Developer
Full stack software developer with 6 years of experience building highly scalable web applications using using backend, frontend, and cloud-based technologies.

So-Notify : A Stack Overflow Question Notifier

December 27, 2017
So-Notify :  A Stack Overflow Question Notifier

About Stack Overflow: is the largest programming related QnA portal. It has over 4,000,000 registered users and over 10,000,000 questions and is the best place to find solutions for your coding related problems. Stack Overflow also has a reputation system that can be earned by answering questions correctly or even by asking good questions. A high reputation count comes in handy when you want to put a bounty on a question that has not received quality answers and let’s be honest, it feels good to see that rep count rise every day!. However, earning reputation is not easy due to the fierce competition in the community due to which answers are usually posted within minutes of a question going live!

So-Notify – A Stack Overflow Question Notifier

So-Notify is a command-line application I built which sends a notification to the user’s system whenever a new question is posted on

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